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8 Tips to Effectively Train Your AI Chatbot

Published in Apr 19, 2024

8 min read

AI ChatBot
Conversational AI
Customer Service

As chatbots become a more common part of users' online experiences, it is essential to ensure your chatbot can handle a wide range of conversations in your business operations.

They improve customer service by automating responses. However, training them involves teaching accurate human language understanding and response.

Whether starting from scratch or looking to improve an existing chatbot, we have insightful advice to help you enhance its performance. Let's explore how you can train AI chatbots to become smarter and more efficient for your organization.

Why Training AI Chatbots Matter for Businesses

Training an AI chatbot with your own data is useful for your business as it helps provide quick answers to customers. This leads to satisfied customers since they can get help quickly.

It also means your customer service team has fewer routine questions to deal with, so they can focus on more complicated issues.

A well-trained chatbot can make your employees work easier and more efficiently. It also ensures your customers get the support they need anytime without putting extra pressure on your team.

Basic Terms Used in Chatbot Training

Knowing some common terms used in chatbot development is helpful before you start training. These terms will help you understand how to train your chatbot.

Here are the key ones:

  • Intent: What the user is trying to achieve or ask.
  • Entities: Important details in the conversation, such as names, dates, and places.
  • Utterances: Various phrases or sentences to express the same intent.
  • Conversation Flows: The bot's planned sequence of replies to guide users through common interactions.
  • Machine Learning (ML): Improves its responses over time through learning.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Technology that understands and interprets human speech or text.
  • Dialogue Management: Determines the direction of the conversation based on user inputs and the bot's programming.
  • Fallback: The bot's action when it can't understand or process the user's request.
  • Human Handover: Transferring the chat from the bot to a live support agent.
  • Trigger: Specific user inputs or bot responses that initiate a fallback or handover.
  • Conversational Channel: Platforms or environments where the bot can communicate with users.

Now that you know these terms, let's move on to the training process.

8 Tips to Train Your AI Chatbot

To train a chatbot, you don't just load it up with data. You must carefully select and organize that data so your chatbot can grasp and reply to various human questions and commands.

Here's a practical approach to do it right:

  1. Determine the Chatbot Use Cases

Start by pinpointing exactly how you want your chatbot to help users. Consider the various scenarios or tasks your chatbot will handle. This can include answering FAQs, assisting with bookings, providing support, or guiding users through purchasing.

Once you understand these chatbot use cases, they will direct the rest of your training process and ensure your chatbot is equipped to meet your users' needs effectively.

  1. Collect and Analyze Conversational Data

Gather data from previous customer interactions, including emails, chat logs, social media exchanges, and support tickets. Start analyzing this information to identify common questions, phrases, and types of interactions.

This will give you insights into how people seek information and assistance while providing a realistic foundation for chatbot conversations.

  1. Define Intents and Entities

Based on your analysis, define the intents (what users try to achieve in their interactions) and entities (key information within those interactions).

For example, in a customer support chatbot, intents include troubleshooting products, tracking orders, or updating account information. Entities would be the specific details relevant to those intents, such as product names, order numbers, or account details.

  1. Crafting Utterances

Once you've figured out the intents and entities from the previous example, the next step is to create utterances. Think of utterances as the different ways someone might say the same thing.

The more examples you give your chatbot, the better it will understand what people are trying to say.

Example: Using the intent #track_order for your customer support chatbot, you will use phrases customers might use to ask about their orders, like "Where's my order?" or "Can you update me on my delivery?"

The above function allows the chatbot to learn to recognize the user's question.

  1. Develop a Library of Training Phrases

For each intent, compile a diverse set of phrases that users might use to express that intent. The goal is to cover as much conversational ground as possible.

The more varied these phrases are, the better your chatbot will become at recognizing the users' intentions, even with different wording or structure.

  1. Implement and Train with Machine Learning Models

Select and apply machine learning algorithms to analyze your defined training phrases, intents, and entities.

These language models enable your chatbot to learn from patterns in data, improving its ability to understand and process user queries accurately.

  1. Testing and Iteration

Training a chatbot never stops; you should keep doing regular testing and tweaking. You'll need to check chatbot chats manually to spot where things get wrong or fall short.

Then, adjust its understanding of intents, entities, and how it phrases things based on what you find.

  1. Maintain and Update Content Regularly

Keep your chatbot's knowledge base fresh and relevant by regularly updating it with new information, especially as your products, services, or policies change.

This ensures it remains a valuable and accurate resource for users.

Chatbot Training Example

Let's get into the hands-on part of bot training using Denser. Follow these simple steps to get your bot ready:

Step 1: Go to the Chatbot Section

Sign up at no cost with Denser. This gives you an initial Denserbot where you get free monthly queries.

You can schedule a demo for a more in-depth understanding and craft a chatbot customized to your data.

Step 2: Open the Chatbot Builder Tool

Create chatbots by feeding in your data and knowledge. This allows you to interact with the AI chatbot using information specific to your needs.


With a simple code snippet, you can easily add your Denserbot to your website or internal system and get it running in no time.

Follow this full integration guide.

Step 3: Set Up Potential Visitor Queries

Think about the questions or comments people are likely to have. It means guessing what they'll ask, from simple questions about what you offer to more specific ones that need detailed answers.

This ensures that your chatbot can handle and respond to what your visitors might want to know.

Step 4: Create Your Bot's Replies

Create answers for your chatbot based on the visitor questions you've prepared for.

Ensure these responses are clear, helpful, and tailored to provide the information or support your visitors seek.

Step 5: Incorporate Extra Rules and Responses

Add additional rules or responses to expand your chatbot's capabilities.

This step allows you to refine how your bot interacts based on specific conditions, making it more versatile and responsive to various visitor needs.

Step 6: Solicit Feedback from Users

End your setup by inviting users to give feedback on their chatbot interactions.

This will help you understand what's working well and what needs improvement and ensure your chatbot continues to serve your visitors better.

Build an AI Chatbot Using Your Own Data With

Make training AI chatbots easier and improve how you talk with customers using Designed to grasp and respond to user questions accurately, makes every search feel like a conversation.


Train the AI chatbot using your own data source. Try out a **free trial **or schedule a demo today!

FAQs About Training AI Chatbot

What's the difference between a rule-based chatbot and an AI chatbot?

Rule-based chatbots follow predefined pathways and responses based on user input without the ability to learn or understand language nuances. On the other hand, artificial intelligence chatbots use natural language processing and machine learning to understand and respond to queries more flexibly and human-like.

Why is NER important in AI and chatbots?

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a process in natural language processing (NLP) that identifies and classifies named entities in text into predefined categories. Chatbots can provide more accurate responses by recognizing key information in user queries, such as product names, locations, or times.

How important is finding the right tone of voice for my chatbot?

Relying only on text can limit the chatbot's ability to engage users fully. Incorporating media elements like images, videos, and GIFs can make conversations more dynamic and interesting, providing a richer user experience.

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