Hello! Do you already have a DenserAI chatbot created?
Yes, I have my chatbot ID ready. How do I add it to WordPress?
Perfect! Here's how to integrate: • Install Denser plugin from WordPress • Activate the plugin • Enter your chatbot ID in Settings
Install directly from WordPress plugin repository or upload the plugin ZIP file. No technical knowledge required—just activate and configure.
Choose where your chatbot appears: all pages, homepage only, or specific pages by ID. Perfect control over your chatbot's presence.
Set up your chatbot for public visitors with easy security configuration. Enable seamless interaction for all website users.
Skip manual code embedding with our WordPress plugin. Simple installation process works with any WordPress site.
Handle increasing website traffic and chat volumes while maintaining consistent performance. Perfect for growing WordPress sites of any size.
Choose exactly where your chatbot appears with three options: all pages, homepage only, or specific pages by ID.
Enable public mode for anonymous visitors to interact with your chatbot seamlessly across your website.
Automatic plugin updates through WordPress ensure you always have the latest features and security improvements.
DenserAI provides answers with verifiable sources, ensuring every response can be traced back to your official documentation and knowledge base.
Choose between two installation methods: directly through WordPress plugins or manual ZIP upload. You'll need an existing Denser chatbot before starting.
Enter your Denser chatbot ID in the Settings panel and enable public mode for website visitors. Select where your chatbot appears: all pages, homepage only, or specific pages by ID.
Save your settings and your chatbot will be instantly available on your selected pages. No code embedding required - the plugin handles everything automatically.
Download our WordPress plugin today and start automating your site interactions!
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