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AI-Based Personalization: How to Implement + Full Guide

Published in Aug 08, 2024


11 min read

AI Based Personalization

AI-Based Personalization: How to Implement + Full Guide

Many businesses are turning to chatbots to handle customer inquiries. However, the early generation of chatbots often sounds too robotic, which can leave customers unsatisfied and seeking help from a human instead.

The good news is that artificial intelligence (AI) is changing these interactions, which now turns chatbots into a more personable and engaging tool.

AI boosts customer engagement as it can understand and respond in ways that are much closer to a natural human conversation. This allows businesses to offer round-the-clock support that feels friendly and personal.

In this article, we'll examine how you can add AI-based personalization to your website to improve your customer interactions.

What is AI Personalization?

AI personalization is a method of using artificial intelligence to customize experiences for individual users.

It analyzes user behaviors, preferences, and interactions to offer tailored products that match their unique needs and interests.

How Does AI-Based Personalization Work?

AI-based personalization customizes user experiences by analyzing data about their behaviors and preferences. Here's a simplified breakdown of how it works:

Data Collection

First, the system gathers data about customer journeys from various sources, including their browsing history, purchase history, and social media interactions.

This activity is tracked and recorded when a customer frequently visits a sportswear website and purchases running shoes.

Data Analysis

Next, the AI system analyzes the collected data to identify patterns. It examines how customers interact with websites, such as their shopping times or product preferences.

If a customer regularly purchases mystery novels, the AI recognizes and logs this preference.

Making Predictions

Using the analyzed data, the AI predicts what you might like next. For example, if many people who bought a phone case also bought a screen protector, the AI will suggest a screen protector.

Providing Recommendations

The AI uses these predictions to offer personalized recommendations. It might suggest items based on a customer’s shopping history.

If a customer has been browsing laptops, the system might recommend laptop bags or mouse pads as complementary products.

Continuous Learning

AI systems keep learning and improving. They constantly update their models with new data and feedback from customers to refine their predictions.

If a customer shows interest in a new category, such as gardening supplies, the AI adapts its recommendations and includes more related products.

Examples of AI Personalization Across Industries

AI is transforming various industries by providing personalized experiences for users. Here are some notable examples across different sectors:


Amazon is a prime example of AI personalization in e-commerce. The platform uses AI to analyze browsing history, purchase history, and interaction data to recommend products users might be interested in.

If they frequently buy books, Amazon suggests new titles based on previous purchases and similar users' preferences. This personalization helps improve the shopping experience and increases sales.

Media and Entertainment

Netflix uses AI to recommend shows and movies based on customer’s viewing history and ratings.

The platform's recommendation engine analyzes the genres, actors, and themes they prefer and then suggests content that matches their tastes. This keeps users engaged and helps them discover new content they might enjoy.


IBM Watson Health uses AI to provide personalized treatment recommendations.

Analyzing patient data, medical history, and the latest medical research suggests treatment options tailored to individual patients.


Wealthfront uses AI to provide personalized financial advice and automated portfolio management.

The platform analyzes your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment history to recommend investment strategies that suit user’s needs.


Sephora uses AI to personalize the shopping experience both online and in-store. The Sephora Virtual Artist app uses augmented reality to show how different products will look on the user's skin.

Personalized recommendations are provided Based on preferences, boosting customer engagement and sales.

Travel uses AI to provide personalized travel recommendations. The platform analyzes search and booking history to suggest accommodations, activities, and travel destinations that match user’s preferences.

Why AI Personalization is Key to Business Success

AI-powered personalization improves customer experience by delivering relevant content and recommendations to each user. Happy customers are more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend the brand to others.

When e-commerce businesses personalize experiences, customers tend to engage more and stay loyal. Personalized notifications and recommendations can remind users to revisit a website or app, which helps boost retention rates.

For example, a McKinsey study found that personalization can reduce customer acquisition costs by 50%, increase revenue by 5-15%, and make marketing spending 10-30% more efficient.

Personalized recommendations and content can also lead to higher conversion rates.

How AI Chatbots Can Be Used for Personalization

Nowadays, more businesses are using chatbots to communicate with customers in real-time. With recent advancements in technology, the interactions with these chatbots have become much more natural.

Modern AI chatbots, like, can converse in a way that feels quite human and can remember past interactions.

Here's a quick look at how these smart chatbots are making an impact in customer service and marketing:

Real-Time Customer Service

AI chatbots can speed up and improve customer service. They remember what each customer likes or has asked about before, so they can offer help that's right on target.

For example, if someone asked about a product last week, the chatbot remembers and can use that info to help out more the next time they ask a question.

Personalized Shopping Recommendations

Chatbots are also changing how businesses handle marketing. They look at what customers check out on your website and start helpful chats based on those interests.

If a customer keeps looking at sports gear, the chatbot might let them know about a sale on sports items or suggest new products they might like. This makes shopping more personal and engaging.

Consistent Help Across Platforms

AI chatbots can interact with you across different digital platforms—whether on a website, a mobile app, or social media. They ensure the conversation is seamless, even if you switch from one platform to another.

Learning and Improving

AI chatbots can learn from every interaction. They continuously improve their understanding of customer needs and preferences.

The more users talk to them, the more they learn how to offer personalized and effective help.

Multilingual Capabilities

AI chatbots can communicate in multiple languages, which is incredibly beneficial for global businesses.

This feature allows chatbots to offer personalized assistance to ensure everyone can receive help in their preferred language.

How to Integrate an AI Chatbot for Your Website

Implementing AI personalization through chatbots can boost customer loyalty and simplify customer service. Here's how to successfully set up a chatbot using a service like for personalized website interactions:

Planning Your Chatbot Strategy

Start by defining what you aim to achieve with your chatbot—is it providing 24/7 customer support, answering FAQs, or guiding users through your services? Once you understand your audience, you will be able to determine their typical queries and needs.

Choosing the Right Chatbot Platform

You should evaluate different AI personalization tools based on their features, ease of integration, and customization options.

When looking at different platforms, consider one like, which is known for its ability to have smart, engaging conversations. Its advanced technology helps the chatbot understand and respond to user questions in a natural and helpful way.

A good chatbot platform should be able to handle more than simple questions. Denser can understand the context behind user requests for a smooth, personalized conversation.

It also fits well with your current systems and can scale with your business.

Setting up Your Chatbot

Sign up for an account with After you've registered, explore the dashboard and learn about the different available features.

You can also customize your chatbot's responses, personality, and functionalities to match your business's tone and requirements.

Integrating the Chatbot into Your Website provides a specific code snippet, typically including HTML and JavaScript, so you can integrate the chatbot with your site's HTML.


This code snippet contains a placeholder for the chatbot ID. This ID is unique to your chatbot and links it to your account.

Replace the placeholder in the code snippet with the chatbot ID provided by This ensures that the live chat widget is connected to your settings and configurations.

Launching Your Chatbot

Once testing is complete, go live with your chatbot on your website. To encourage interaction, it's also helpful to announce the launch of your new chatbot feature through email, social media, or a website popup.

Monitoring and Improving

Post-launch, gathering user feedback is important to understand the chatbot's performance and identify areas for improvement.

You must train your chatbot and update its knowledge base and responses based on user questions and feedback.

Tips in AI Personalization for Competitive Advantage

You must focus on advanced customization and integration techniques to make your AI chatbot provide personalized responses. Here are more specific strategies that can help refine your chatbot's ability to offer personalized interactions:

Develop a Detailed User Profile System

Start by collecting a wide range of data about your users. This includes basic demographics like age and location, as well as behavioral data such as browsing habits and purchase history.

You should analyze this data to identify trends and preferences, which will help you understand what your customers are most interested in.

You can use this information to create comprehensive profiles for each user. Then, integrate these profiles with your chatbot so it can access them in real-time during interactions.

Predictive Analysis

You can use predictive analysis to improve customer relationship management, optimize marketing campaigns, improve inventory management, and mitigate risks.

For instance, a business can predict which products are likely to sell during a certain season and stock accordingly. It can also forecast customer churn by analyzing interaction data and intervening proactively to retain them.

Adapt Tone and Language

Your chatbot's communication style should reflect your brand's voice and your audience's preferences. Different audiences may require different communication styles.

An AI chatbot serving a professional services firm should likely use a more formal tone than one designed for a casual retail brand.

To effectively adapt your chatbot's tone and language, analyze your target audience's demographics and communication preferences.

This might include studying customer feedback, social media interactions, and other engagement metrics.

Feedback Loop

A feedback loop helps identify areas where the chatbot may be falling short, such as misunderstandings or inadequate responses.

Start by integrating a simple feedback system into the chatbot interface. For example, ask users to rate their interaction after chatting with the bot. You can also allow users to leave comments if they wish.

Alongside user ratings, analytics are used to track how the chatbot is being used and identify patterns in the data, such as which questions are causing users to drop off.

Ensure Privacy and Security

With the increased use of customer data, data privacy concerns must be prioritized. To protect customer information, you should follow best practices and comply with regulations.

Be transparent with customers about how their data is being used and give them control over their personal information.

Connect Better with Denser's Personalized AI Chatbots

Feeling overwhelmed by the pace of customer inquiries? Let AI chatbots lighten the load by managing interactions effortlessly and tailoring responses to each customer.


Denser offers an easy-to-use solution that integrates with your current tools and uses smart AI to keep your conversations engaging.

Want to see how Denser can change the way you handle customer service? Sign up for a free trial today!

FAQs About AI-Based Personalization

How does AI-based personalization differ from other types of personalization?

AI-based personalization differs from rule-based or segment-based types. It uses machine learning to learn from user interactions dynamically, which allows it to adapt to preferences in real-time.

Unlike static rules or segments, AI systems continuously refine their understanding of user behavior to offer a more tailored and responsive experience.

Can AI-based personalization be used across different platforms?

Yes, AI-based personalization can be used across various platforms, such as websites, mobile apps, and email marketing. It's important to integrate the personalization engine properly. This ensures it can access and use data across these platforms to improve customer satisfaction.

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