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Integrate with Zapier Workflow

Published in Apr 22, 2024

7 min read

Enable your chatbot for RESTful API access

This step is performed at

This step assumes that you already have a chatbot at If not, please follow one of these guides to create your own chatbot.

On the main screen of your selected chatbot, make sure you selected Access Control. Then select REST API Access tab under the Access Control panel.

If REST API access has been enabled and you know the API key, you can use that existing API key for Zapier integration. Otherwise, click Generate API Key button to generate a new API key.

Enable Rest API

Prepare Google worksheet

This step is performed on your Google Sheets account.

This step is required for configuring Denser chatbot as Zap trigger Create a Google worksheet in your Google Sheets account. Choose a name for your worksheet that you can easily recognize when you need to select worksheet later. Make sure you named the columns in the first row as shown in the following screenshot.

Prepare Google Worksheet

Denser chatbot as trigger

This step is performed at

A zap is an automated workflow that integrates multiple Zapier apps. A zap consists of a trigger and one or more actions. Denser chatbot can be configured as either a trigger or an action. This section demostrates how to configure Denser chatbot as a trigger. The example zap used in this section is a workflow of 2 steps: 1) send a question to your chatbot; and 2) the outputs are recorded in Google Sheets.

Example Zap

To create the example workflow, you need to create a new zap, which container a trigger and an action.

Create New Zap

Configure your chatbot as trigger

First, click Trigger step, search for DenserAI on the popup window and select it as trigger. Perform the following to complete DenserAI trigger configuration:

  • At App & event tab, select event When Question Process by Your Chatbot.
  • At Account tab, provide your chatbot ID and the REST Access Key. You can find chatbot ID from chatbot screen at REST Access API key is the key you generated from previous step Enable your chatbot for RESTful API access.
  • At Test tab, an example output should be returned for testing and click Continue with selected Record button.

Complete Trigger Configuration

Configure Google Sheets as action

Search for Google Sheets and select it as action.

  • At App & event tab, select event Create Spreadsheet Row.
  • At Account tab, grant Zapier access to your Google account by authenticate to your Google account.
  • At Action tab, fill the fields with the Google worksheet that you prepared at previous step. After you filled fields, make sure you pressed Refresh button. After refresh, Action tab displays 4 more fields that match the columns you created in the worksheet. You can click each field and select the corresponding output field from chatbot trigger. Please refer to the screenshot below for details.
  • At Test tab, click Test step button and then verify the example chatbot output is added into your Google worksheet.

Configure Google Sheets action

Finally, you can publish this zap workflow. Each time you sent a question to your chatbot on webapp, you should see the chat information added as a new row in Google Sheets after a short delay.

Denser chatbot as action

This step is performed at

The following example zap is a workflow of 3 steps: 1) user asks a question in a specific Slack channel; 2) DenserAI chatbot answers the question; and finally; 3) the answer is posted back to the same Slack channel. To create the example zap workflow, you need to start with creating a new zap as in the last section.

Example Zap

Configure Slack as trigger

First, you need to configure a trigger that sends a text message to your chatbot. Click Trigger step, search for Slack on the popup window and select Slack.

Select Slack as Trigger

A few clicks are required to complete the Slack trigger configuration:

  • At App & event tab, select event New Message Posted to Channel.
  • At Account tab, grant Zapier access to your Slack account by authenticate to your Slack account.
  • At Trigger tab, select a Slack channel to trigger message.

The following screenshot shows how Slack trigger should look like after successful configuration.

Configure Slack as Trigger

Configure DenserAI chatbot as action

In this example zap, your DenserAI chatbot is configured as the action to process input message from the Slack channel you selected at the last step Configure Slack as Trigger. Click Action step, search for DenserAI on the popup window and select DenserAI.

Select DenserAI as Action

Perform the following steps to complete DenserAI action configuration:

  • At App & event tab, select event Process Input Text.
  • At Account tab, provide your chatbot ID and the REST Access Key. You can find chatbot ID from chatbot screen at REST Access API key is the key you generated from previous step Enable your chatbot for RESTful API access.
  • At Action tab, select Text property of Slack message for Question field.

Configure Chatbot Account

A successfully completed DenserAI chatbot configruation should look similar to the one in the following screenshot.

Configure Chatbot as Trigger

Configure Slack as output action

After your chatbot processed message from Slack, the answer from the chatbot can be wired to another Zapier action (e.g. to perform notification or to store the answer). In this example zap, the output is sent to the same Slack channel as a new message.

Click + icon below DenserAI step to add another Zapier step. Select Slack as the app for this step, similarly to previous step Configure Slack as Trigger.

Perform the following steps to complete Slack output action configuration:

  • At App & event tab, select event Send Channel Message.
  • At Account tab, no action should be required since you should have granted Zapier access to your Slack account.
  • At Action tab, select a Slack channel for output message, you can simply use the same channel as in step Configure Slack as Trigger. Set Message Text field to be property Answer from DenserAI step. Set Send as a bot? to "Yes". You can keep the rest input to default.

Finally, you can publish this zap workflow and start enjoying usage of DenserAI chatbot integration with Zapier apps!

Configure Lead Generation with Zapier Workflow

This guide shows chat that can be configured as a Zapier trigger. We also support triggering Zapier workflow when a lead generation form is submitted in Denser chat window. Please see Integrate Lead Generation with Zapier Workflow.

Embed Zapier within

This step is performed at

On the screen of your selected chatbot, make sure you selected Integration. Then select tile with title Integrate with Zapier Workflow.

Select tile for Zapier integration

Click Create Zapier Workflow button to open Zapier editor in a popup window. The Zapier editor embedded in should be the same as the one you opened on Zapier website. The zap creation guide in the last section Create worklow at Zapier can be applied.

The popup window displays the current chatbot selected for Zapier integration for convenience. User can simply copy and paste the chatbot Id at the step of configuring Denser chatbot account. See Configure DenserAI chatbot as action.

Embed Zapier Editor in

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